Who can participate?
Any person (over 18 years of age) or legal entity, regardless of nationality.
● Production after 1 January 2022.
Maximum length: 40 minutes.
● Non-Spanish language: Spanish subtitles required (inserted or in *.srt), otherwise it will be disqualified.
● Trailers, half-finished works or works already submitted in previous editions are not eligible to participate.

● Entry deadline until 15/03/2024, 23:59:59 Spanish peninsular time.
● The registration to participate in the 47th Elche Film Festival can be formalised exclusively through the Movibeta and Festhome platforms.
● Only one short film per participant and category. The Organization and/or the Jury of the festival will have the right to change the category of those short films that, according to their criteria, are not in the corresponding category.
● Fiction: Spanish and international Fiction authors who wish to opt for the “Fundación Mediterráneo” Award for Fiction and Best International Short Film.
● Animation: Spanish and international animation filmmakers who wish to compete for the Best Animation Short Film and Best International Short Film Award.
●Documentary: Spanish and international documentary filmmakers who wish to compete for the “Ciutat d’Elx” Award for Best Documentary Short Film and Best International Short Film.
● Fes Curt: productions by authors born or resident in the Valencian Community and/or from Valencian Film Festivals and/or production companies based in the Valencian Community. They may also be filmed in Valencian, or subtitled in Valencian.
● Novel Author: Spanish and international authors who have made up to their third short film and who wish to compete for the “Cineclub Luis Buñuel” Award for the Best Novel Short Film. They can be works of Fiction, Animation or Documentary.
● Human Rights: international authors from Mediterranean countries or countries linked to it *, who wish to compete for the Award for the Best Short Film on Human Rights. They can be works of Fiction, Animation or Documentary.
* From any category and belonging to the Mediterranean coast and/or linked to it, except Spain. The consideration of Mediterranean countries is governed by the criteria that appear in the rules of the collaborating Festival: https://festivalsocialmed.com/

AWARDS (15.000€ in total):
● “FUNDACIÓN MEDITERRÁNEO” AWARD FOR THE BEST FICTION SHORT FILM. It is endowed with €3,000 and the Dama Trophy. If it is national, it will be shortlisted for the Goya Awards 2025.
● CIUTAT D’ELX” AWARD TO THE BEST DOCUMENTARY SHORT FILM. It is endowed with 3.000 euros and the Dama Trophy. If it is national, it will be shortlisted for the Goya Awards 2025.
● ANIMATION AWARD. In any nationality. It is endowed with 3,000 euros and the Dama Trophy.
● INTERNATIONAL AWARD, in any category and belonging to any nationality (not Spain). It is endowed with 2.000 euros and Lady Trophy.
● FES CURT PRIZE, endowed with 1,000 euros and Lady Trophy. It will be chosen from among the productions presented in the Fes Curt category.
● CINECLUB LUIS BUÑUEL” NEW FILMMAKER AWARD, endowed with 1,000 euros and the Dama Trophy, eligible in any of the categories. Both Spanish and international authors who have made up to their third short film are eligible.
● “HORT DEL XOCOLATER” AUDIENCE AWARD, endowed with 1,000 euros and the Dama Trophy, from among those Spanish and international short films that form part of the Official Selection. The short film that has received the most votes from the audience attending the Official Selection screenings at the Hort del Xocolater between 12 and 18 July 2024 will be chosen.
● The Festival does not oblige its winners to come to collect the prizes, nor does it condition the awarding of a prize, but it will provide facilities so that they can attend with the public of the city of Elche.
In this edition the following collaborations and joint awards have been reached:
● PRIZE FOR THE BEST SHORT FILM ON HUMAN RIGHTS, of any category and belonging to the Mediterranean coast and/or linked to it, except Spain, sponsored by Cooperación Internacional al Desarrollo del Ayuntamiento de Elche and in collaboration with SocialMed València – Festival de los Derechos Humanos del Mediterráneo. It is endowed with 1,000 euros and the Dama Trophy.
● The Association of Women Filmmakers and Audiovisual Media (CIMA) will present the CIMA Award to the Best Filmmaker with a statuette and a year’s subscription to the association.
In the event that, at the discretion of the Jury Organisation, any of these prizes may not be awarded.
The Author/Director/Distributor of the works submitted to the competition declares that these are of their authorship, direction and production and that, being original, they are free from third party claims.
Without prejudice to the use and marketing that the Author/Director/Distributor makes of the awarded work, the Organisation shall be entitled to:
● The right to the conservation of the works in a digital archive with the aim that they can be viewed only by users during the week of screenings at the Festival venues in the park “Hort del Xocolater” (Elche) and at the Arenales del Sol Beach (Elche).
● The limited rights of public communication of the winning works so that the Fundación Mediterráneo, through the activities it organises or collaborates with, can carry out as many screenings as necessary in order to promote the winning works. The screenings will serve to promote the short film and the Festival itself, as long as this does not affect the distribution and possible commercialisation of the short film and the necessary permissions and/or negotiate the fee or canon to be able to screen them.
● The reproduction rights of the winning works so that they can be archived and so that the Fundación Mediterráneo can produce a special edition in cd, dvd or similar format in which the work is included together with the rest of the works presented at this or previous editions of the Elche International Independent Film Festival, but always with the authorisation of the Author/Director/Distributor so as not to affect their distribution and commercialisation.
● The Fundación Mediterráneo supports the short film industry by paying royalties to the SGAE for all reproductions, whether during the Official Selection screenings or in other cycles organised.
Of all the personal data, only the e-mail addresses of those registered in the FICIE edition will be kept for the purposes of communication of new editions. Those registered for the newsletter on the Festival’s official website at https://festivaldecine.fundacionmediterraneo.es/ will also be used for this purpose.
QUESTIONS: festivalelche@fundacionmediterraneo.es
Date of publication: January 2024