45th Edition


Palmares edition 45
“Espinas” de Iván Sáinz-Pardo (España)
“MEDITERRANEAN FOUNDATION” AWARD FOR THE BEST SHORT FILM, of any category and of any nationality. It is endowed with 3,000 euros and a Lady Trophy.
“Tros” de Pau Calpe Rufat (España)
“MEDITERRÁNEO FOUNDATION” AWARD TO THE FEATURE FILM “ÓPERA PRIMA”, of Spanish nationality, who has shot his first feature film. It is endowed with 2,000 euros and a Lady Trophy.
“Free Fall” de Emmanuel Tenenbaum (Francia)
“CIUTAT D´ELX” AWARD FOR FICTION, of any nationality and endowed with 2,000 euros and a Lady Trophy.
“Loop” de Pablo Polledri (España/Argentina)
ANIMATION AWARD, of any nationality. It is endowed with 2,000 euros and a Lady Trophy.
“Espejismos” de Alfonso Palazón Meseguer (España)
DOCUMENTARY AWARD, of any nationality. It is endowed with 2,000 euros and a Lady Trophy.
“Diritto di voto” de Gianluca Zonta (Italia)
EUROPEAN AWARD, in any category and belonging to the European sphere (not Spain). Endowed with 1,000 euros and Lady Trophy.
“Un pasaje sin regreso” de José Gómez De Vargas (República Dominicana)
IBERO-AMERICAN AWARD, in any category and belonging to the scope of Latin America and Brazil. Endowed with 1,000 euros and Lady Trophy.
“Miedo” de Ángelo Moreno (Valencia)
FES CURT PRIZE, endowed with 500 euros and Lady Trophy. Which may be chosen in any of the categories and whose production comes from authors of the Valencian Community or production companies based in said Autonomous Community and preferably in Valencian or subtitled in this language.
“Inútil” de Raquel Guerrero (España)
“CINECLUB LUIS BUÑUEL” PRIZE NOVEL AUTHOR, endowed with 500 euros and Lady Trophy, eligible in any of the categories. Both Spanish and international authors who have made up to their third short film may choose.
“A Dead Sea” de Nahd Bashier (Israel)
MOBILE FILMMAKER AWARD, endowed with 500 euros and Lady Trophy. They can be Fiction or Documentary, which can be chosen by both Spanish and international authors whose production has been carried out by smartphone.
PUBLIC “HORT DEL XOCOLATER” PRIZE, endowed with 500 euros and Lady Trophy from among those Spanish and international short films that are part of the Official Selection, the short film that has received the most votes from the public attending the screenings of the Official Selection will be chosen at the Hort del Xocolater between July 17 and 21, 2022.
“La historia de todas nosotras” de Itxaso Díaz (España)
AWARD FOR THE SHORT FILM ON HUMAN RIGHTS, of any category and belonging to the Mediterranean coast and/or linked to it, in collaboration with SocialMed Valencia – Mediterranean Human Rights Festival. It is endowed with 1,000 euros and the Lady Trophy