
Round Tables VIP


Hort del Xocolater. Elche | 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

Free entry, limited to capacity (70 people)

Assumpta Serna, Scott Cleverdon, Secun de la Rosa, Marta Buchaca, and Fele Martínez.

Tirso Calero.

With five prominent film professionals, we will discuss the situation of the Spanish film industry while going over our guests’ beginnings.
These actors, actresses, screenwriters, and directors will offer their tips, anecdotes, lessons, and experiences to help us better understand how the machinery of filmmaking works in our country. All of them have received awards for their work in film, which will also lead us to address the issue of success. There will of course be space to talk about the close link today between cinema and television.


A very popular actress with extensive experience on the big screen in films such as The Fencing Master, Matador, Hunting Ground, Crónica sentimental en rojo (“Sentimental chronicle in red”), Shortcut to Paradise, and The Craft.
In television, she has appeared in series such as Brigada central (“Central Squad”), Tierra de lobos (“Land of Wolves”), and in the international productions Sharpe and the legendary Falcon Crest.
She was one of the first Spanish actresses to work regularly in Hollywood productions in the 1980s and 1990s.


A scriptwriter, director, acting coach… Born in Scotland, he has been living in our country for several decades.
He participated in international series such as Beverly Hills, 90210 and Poirot and, in Spain, he was involved in the films Goya’s Ghosts, El mundo es suyo (“The World is Theirs”), and Slaves and Kings.
He also voiced Obi Wan in the video game Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace.


A versatile actor who became very popular to the general public with his role in Aida.
He has been involved in series such as Amar es para siempre (“To Love is Forever”), Paquita Salas, 30 Coins, and, more recently, Cristo y Rey (“Cristo and Rey”).
In film, he has participated in films such as Game of Werewolves, The Mule, and The Bar. He also wrote and directed the film The Cover.


One of the most sought-after playwrights and screenwriters of the moment. Born in Barcelona, Marta has written the films Litus, Solo una vez (“Just Once”), El juego de las llaves (“The Game of Keys”), and Fenómenas (“Phenomena”).
In addition, she has been a scriptwriter for legendary TV3 series such as El cor de la ciutat (“The Heart of the City”) and La Riera.


An actor from Alicante with extensive experience in film. He has starred in essential films such as Thesis, Lovers of the Arctic Circle, Open Your Eyes, and Bad Education.
Fele is an icon for an entire generation. A Goya award winner, he has also shown his acting skills on television in series such as La unidad (“The Unit”), Estoy vivo (I’m Alive), Alpha Males, and Under Therapy.

TIRSO CALERO (Moderator)

He has directed the feature films Blockbuster and Carne Cruda (“Raw Meat”) and has been involved in the scripts of films such as Miguel y William, Mobbing, Yerma, Bernarda, and, most recently, Quan no acaba la nit (“When the Night Doesn’t End”).
He has been a scriptwriter for series such as Amar en tiempos revueltos (“Love in Troubled Times”), Ana y los siete (“Ana and the Seven”), and Cuéntame (“Tell Me”), and is the creator and script coordinator of some of the most popular television series in our country (Bandolera, Amar es para siempre (“To Love is Forever”), L’Alqueria Blanca, and Servir y proteger (“Serve and Protect”)).
He is currently a scriptwriter and executive producer at The MediaPro Studio.

MONDAY, JULY 17, 2023

Hort del Xocolater. Elche | 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

Free entry, limited to capacity (70 people)

José Pastor, Paula Prendes, Armando del Río, and Laia Alemany.

Tirso Calero.

We will talk about the boom of televised fiction in our country, the situation of the actors, the success or failure of the series, the role of directors and producers, the figure of the showrunner, the freedom to create new productions, the role played by television networks, the weight of media fame, and many other interesting issues for any fan of television series.
Series have become the driving force of the audiovisual industry, and not only from a national point of view, since international co-productions and global successes are becoming more and more common. Our speakers, who have extensive experience in this field, have a lot to tell us.


RTVE Film and Fiction Director. He holds one of the key positions in the Spanish audiovisual industry, since Televisión Española has traditionally been one of the great promoters of our country’s fiction. Previously, Pastor was manager of the Spanish Film Academy.
Responsible for starting up series such as La promesa (“The Promise”) and 4 estrellas (“Four Stars”), Pastor is very knowledgeable about the current situation of televised fiction.


A very popular actress and presenter. She has taken part in series such as Víctor Ros, Grand Hotel, and Servir y proteger (“Serve and Protect”), as well as starring in the film Fuga de cerebros 2 (“Brain Drain 2”).
She has also participated in programs such as Zapeando and Master Chef Celebrity.


Since he burst onto the big screen with Stories from the Kronen, Armando is one of the most popular actors in our country, starring in important series such as Compañeros (“Companions”), Gran Reserva, Hospital Central, Sin tetas no hay paraíso (“Without Breasts There Is No Paradise”), Bajo sospecha (“Under Suspicion”), Amar es para siempre (“To Love is Forever”), El nudo (“The Knot”), El último show (“The Last Show”), and Servir y proteger (“Serve and Protect”).
He is currently one of the actors in the series Yo soy la venganza (“I am vengeance”).
In addition, through Cromagnon Producciones, he has started an intense career as an audiovisual and theatrical producer.


Born in Barcelona, this actress regularly combines theater with television. On the small screen, she has participated in series such as Amar en tiempos revueltos (“Love in Troubled Times”), Hispania, Gym Tony, Derecho a soñar (“The Right to Dream”), and Hit.

In theater, she has starred in works such as Danny y Roberta or Tarántula.