Opera prima
Who can participate?
Any natural person over 18 years of age or any legal entity of Spanish nationality may participate and/or compete.
What type of feature film can participate?
The Author/Producer/Distributor can present all the Fiction feature films that they want and that have been produced after January 1, 2021 and it must be their first feature film or “first film”, which has not been released in theaters, on TV channels and/or VOD platforms or that these premieres have occurred after January 1, 2022.
Important: The recommended video formats are mov, mp4 and with a resolution of 1080, framing of 16:9. The recommended sound format is 2:1 stereo.
Important: Reduced, modified or extended versions of other feature films will not be accepted. Neither commercials nor unfinished works (work in progress) are allowed.
Important: If your language is NOT Spanish, you must have the subtitles inserted in Spanish, or the subtitles separately in srt. If, where appropriate, a work in a non-Spanish language is selected, it will have to provide subtitles in Spanish in .srt format, otherwise it will be disqualified.

In this edition, the only category of feature films “first works” in competition is Fiction and of Spanish nationality.
Important: Digital files on physical support will not be accepted, only links on Vimeo.
Important: The Spanish Author/Producer/Distributor can present all the debut works of Fiction that he wants from the date of publication of these bases and until 23:59:59 p.m. (Spanish time) on April 30, 2023 through the official associated platforms Movibeta and Festhome. The bases of this edition of FICIE will also be available there in Spanish and English.
The Organization will be in contact, through the associated online platforms, with all the participants from the close of the registration period to inform them of their effective participation in this edition.
All doubts can be resolved in:
- Email: festivalelche@fundacionmediterraneo.es
- Facebook: https://es-es.facebook.com/festivaldecine/
- Twitter @festivalelche

Important: The Selection Jury will select the “first works” that will be part of the Official Section. Their decision will be known as of June 15, 2023. All those feature films that have been finally selected will be notified of their participation at least two weeks before the start of the screenings.
Important: The projections of the competitive Official Section will be from July 14 to 20, 2023, at the Odeón Cinemas in Elche (Calle Juan Ramón Jiménez, 18. Elche).
Every day, there will be a meeting before the screening and after the screening between the author and/or someone from his team with the public. To make things easier, the FICIE Organization will provide travel, meals, and a one-night hotel for the author and companion.
At the time of communicating the selection, the Organization will send each of the finalists a PDF of the projection conditions, the laurels of the Official Selection and the reminder of the optimal audio and video formats and the details of the projection place. In this space, there is an approximate capacity of 170 people.
Important: the incorporation of the laurels of the Official Section is mandatory for all those selected in the FICIE.
The Organization of the FICIE will publish in its usual means of communication, on its website and on social networks, the calendar and programming of the screenings.
Important: in order to pay the corresponding and due Copyright, those selected will have to inform the Organization if they are registered in the General Society of Authors (SGAE) or similar.
Important: Once the short films that will be part of the Official Section are known, the Organization will contact the Author/Producer/Distributor to request the projection DCP that will have to be in their maximum possession on June 25, 2023, optimally at least two weeks before the start of the screenings.
The selected feature films will have to be identical in duration, content and title to those presented on the official partner platforms and in the Vimeo links presented. Failure to comply leads to disqualification.
Important: The Organization is committed to the highest quality in the projections and wants to guarantee the satisfaction of the Author/Producer/Distributor.
The form of sending will be online: Dropbox, Google Drive, Onedrive, Wetransfer, etc. Shipments will NOT be accepted by physical means (memories, flash drive, etc.)

“FUNDACIÓN MEDITERRÁNEO” AWARD FOR THE BEST FEATURE FILM “OPERA PRIMA”, of Fiction and of Spanish nationality. It is endowed with 2,000 euros and a Lady Trophy.
Said award will be announced during the Closing Gala on July 21, 2023.
Important: at the discretion of the FICIE Organization and the Jury, if necessary, this award could be declared void.
Important: Finally, FICIE will announce and incorporate all those new collaborations and awards that have not been closed at the time of publication of these bases.
The Author/Director/Distributor of the works submitted to the contest declares that they are their authorship, direction and production and that, being original, they are free from third party claims.
Without prejudice to the use and commercialization that the Author/Director/Distributor makes of the winning work, the Organization will be empowered to:
- The right to preserve the works in a digital file so that they can be viewed only by users during the week of projections at the Odeón Cinemas in Elche.
- The limited rights of public communication of the winning works so that the Fundación Mediterráneo, through the activities it organizes or collaborates with, can carry out as many projections as necessary in order to promote it. The projections will serve to disseminate the first film and the Festival itself, as long as this does not affect the distribution and possible commercialization of the feature film and with the permission of the Author/Producer/Distributor. With a view to future projections, the Organization will obtain permission to be able to project said works of its Official Section and/or will negotiate the fee or canon to be able to project them.
- If necessary, the Organization will negotiate a fee or canon for this type of edition.
- The Fundación Mediterráneo supports the film industry by paying royalties to the SGAE in all its reproductions, whether they are during the projections of the Official Section or in other cycles that are organized.
- All personal data and only the email addresses of those registered in the FICIE edition will be kept for the purpose of communicating new editions. Those registered for the newsletter on the official FICIE website will also be used for this purpose.

The FICIE Organization will contact the winner to indicate the payment conditions. The Organization undertakes to make the payment in a maximum of three months after having the corresponding information with the following exceptions:
- If the Organization cannot establish contact with the winner within that period, the amount of the prize will revert to the Fundación Mediterráneo as organizer of the FICIE.
- If the Organization cannot make the bank transfer due to seizures by the Tax Agency or other official bodies.
- The financial endowment of the prize are gross amounts to which the corresponding withholdings will be applied by Spanish legislation.
Important: The FICIE does not condition or impose the presence at the Closing Gala when awarding the prize and, for this, it offers the aforementioned facilities so that the winner or someone from their team can come to the city of Elche and collect your prize.
All trophies that are not collected will be properly packaged and sent by the SEUR Foundation, as a FICIE collaborator.
At this point, after the completion of this edition, the Organization will contact the Author/Producer/Distributor to request their postal address and contact telephone number in order to make the shipment. If no one can be contacted, the Fundación Mediterráneo, as organizer of the FICIE, will keep the trophy on deposit.